Internship Dental Robotics

In my third year internship I learned a massive amount of skills and enjoyed the working environment.

A great and unique skill I learned, was to create a Solidworks mold model. I learned to create a complete and working mold. The Solidworks model could be used to 3D print a mold. After the mold was printed, it could be injected with a polymer. This way an actual prototype was created.

I learned a lot about the injectionmolding process. I used all these skills to inject a lot of molds. Normally the molds were made out of steel or 3D printed polymers.
When a product came out defect, it was my task to find the error and redesign the mold.

When a product was finished, it needed to be tested. After testing, the results were reported by company standards. The goal was to improve the complete product by testing.

Sometimes the material was not suited for production. In this case the material was improved by material research and were discussed with diffrent suppliers. This methode was a very effective way to improve the process.