Cliënt Vinder: Product Design for Healt Care 2

The minor Product Design for Healthcare helped me with designing a complying and human helping product by focusing more on user centered design. Our client: Martin van der Weg, Stichting Bestaanskracht. Project Cliënt Vinder (smartwatch) for patients with schitsofrenia. We learned how to implement features and ergonomics by interviewing caregivers and our experienced client.

The assignment is build-up of two elements. At first finishing the design phase after this the testing phase of a prototype. This part needed to be ready for production.
The other element of the assignment is to design different parts that form a new integral solution when combined.

The skills I improved during this Minor:
-Improvement on User-centered design by designing with necessary helping features based on interviews and analysis.
-Solidworks 3d modeling and optimizing these models
-Rapid-Prototyping (well-fitting models)
-How to set up a better communication and keep communicating with for instance: a client, mechanical-professionals, suppliers and care givers.